This is an awesome product to use while walking, running, hiking as the sun goes down. My goodness, this can even be worn in the day time. This light moves too, it goes up, stays in the center and moves down. So, this is somewhat like a car headlight.
The only difference is, this headlamp, when the button above the lamp, is clicked on, the light can become brighter and even red. I love this headlamp. It is an awesome invention for those who want to be seen at night if they want do some walking, running or hiking as the sun goes down.
The best thing about this headlamp, in my opinion, is that it is adjustable. This will fit on adults and kids heads, hats or helmets. This is great for taking on camping trips or just walking around your neighborhood. The LED Headlamp light, which is hands free, makes it some much fun to be outside walking, running or hiking as well.
This headlamp is also shock resistant and the glass is ultra strong, so it will not break. The battery lasts up to 16 hours as well.
**Disclaimer: This was given to me to try our, in exchange for an honest and fair review.**

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