
Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Creating the Most Play Space for Your Cat

Many cat owners have chosen them as their pet due to the simplicity of owning one. They're a great option for a low-maintenance pet, especially if you live in a small space such as an apartment or duplex. Some things about cats make them great companions, and they are usually playful and eager to run around, scratch, and swipe at their toys. 
Cats are also famous for their sleeping, which is known to be in charming, funny places such as boxes, bowls, and other small spaces. Spicing up your living space with additional areas that will appeal to your cat, for either playing or sleeping, is a good way to make your pet happy and possibly free up some necessary space for you!


1.       Wall shelves. This one is becoming trendy, and there are tons of different ways you can do this. It's a great way to get creative while giving your cat a new activity. Just take shelves and attach them to the wall in an upwards pattern, so you cat can jump and climb. You won't need a big climbing tree, which gives more space in your living room.
2.       Furniture litter boxes. One of the most important parts of owning a pet is having right cat litter boxes. It is also one of the worst parts when it comes to trying to clean it, control odors, and hide the tacky box. An excellent way to get out several birds with one stone is investing in cute kitty litter box for furniture pieces! They can come in several types from fake plants to benches and shelving units.
3.       Hammocks. Taking a long cloth or net and attaching it to tables, chairs  or anything with a fitting space can give your cat a new place to sleep, and they'll enjoy feeling so cozy under a warm coffee table. This way is a cheap and affordable to create a cat bed!
4.       Window perches. Attaching a window perch, which can be fairly inexpensive online or in certain pet stores, is a superb way to encourage your cat to enjoy napping in their favorite spot – by the window! Most cats love sunning and watching the activity outdoors, so make it more comfortable with a perch for them.
5.       Home-made scratching posts. Instead of taking up space with large posts for scratching, take sisal rope and wrap them around the legs of your coffee or dining room table, or poles in a cat house. Anywhere your cat can see it and access it will turn the foot into a great scratching post and clear up space for you!

You can always find ways to make little perches and holes for your cat, even with limited supplies, funds, and space! Get creative and use these ideas as inspiration for even more, and let your imagination go wild. See what works for your cat and stick to what you know they like the best. 

Jen Brenner (C)