If you have never used these awesome laundry bags before, it is time you do. I just love using these for all my delicate clothes. This brand of laundry bags is the best because it is made from a mesh material unlike other clothing bags which have holes in the bags. The holes, from other laundry bag companies, make it easier for your clothes to be ruined.
These type of laundry bags are what I have been looking for, forever. I always thought this would be a good idea, but i never suggested this type of laundry bag to anyone before. But now, look, my wish has come true and there are now two small, and two large laundry bags for me to use. I use the large black mesh bag for all my black clothing and the three white mesh bags for all my white or light colored clothing.
Here are two of my white mesh laundry bags in my washer. The best thing about these bags is if, for any reason, there are cute gems attached to your clothing, it will not be lost in the washer, but will stay in the bag so if need be, you can reattach the gems to your clothing.
There is no time to waste my family and friends, if you want your delicate clothing to be taken care of, in the wash, this is the product for you.