
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Are You Doing the Reuse Challenge Yet?

This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of Aladdin. All opinions are 100% mine.

If you are not doing the Reuse Challenge yet, you can begin right now. When you  Do The Reuse Challenge, you, your family and friends  will doing a 30-day challenge to give up those water bottles, plastic cups and all those food containers. In just this year alone, there have been more than enough water bottles, to fill over 840,000 school buses. Now, as much as we  love our bottled waters, there are alternatives to all this wasteful plastic use.

Sadly, there is seven million barrels of oil, in American, used to produce the disposable bottles Americans go through in one year. In the United States alone, there are over 50 billion disposable water bottles being used per year. That is 137,000 per day and 1,585 per second. It costs about $165 a year to make drip coffee at home versus $636 to buy drip coffee at your local café. So, not only are you saving money by making coffee at home, you are not using all those cups either.

Unless we change our habits, there will be 23 billion paper coffee cups thrown out in 2010. Nine dollars will generally cover a decent lunch out. If you buy rather than pack a lunch five days a week, you shell out about $2,350 a year.

There an online store you can go to, Aladdin, where you can kick that plastic habit and begin to do the reuse challenge. It is so easy and will catch on quickly too. When looking for reusable water bottles, there are many colors, shapes and designs to choose from. If you want to drink it hot, there are various cups and mugs to look at and choose from. There are Mugs and Travel Mugs, Desktop Mugs and Vacuum Mugs too. If you drink more cold drinks that hot, you can also look at the drink it cold cups. There is a Go-to-Tumbler, Clutch Water Bottle, Clean and Pure Water, Water Pitcher and Lid and so much more.

Did you know that you will save lots of money packing a lunch for work and or school too? If saving me is what you are seeking, then think about putting that  extra $2,000 in your saving account or wallet. There are over 12 designs and shapes you can look at, choose and use everyday on the Aladdin website.

Finally, you can now "LIKE" Aladdin on Facebook too. Facebook is the place to be these days and now you can follow Aladdin, with your family and friends, on Facebook too.

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