
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Twins and Mommy Making Thanksgiving Garland of Leaves

This is another cute craft my twins and Mommy (me) made at home a couple days before Thanksgiving. Yeah, I should have done all these crafts like a week before Thanksgiving, but this idea just came to me at the last moment. Well, better late than never, right!

Okay, so this is two of four crafts we did together. This was a fun craft, although it did take a while and tested patients, twins and Mommy. This was a fun craft though. I looked for templates online, printed them out and my twins and Mommy put the templates on four colors of construction paper. Them we outlined the leaves with pencil and we cut the leaves out in the colors of Fall: Orange, Brown, Red and Yellow..well we also used some Green.

Once the leaves were cut out, we put some glitter glue down the middle and sides of leaves. Let the glue dry, them we crumbled the leaves as suggested for this craft. Them Mommy used the hole puncher at the top of each leave and put each hole of the leaf into a string of yarn.

The Thanksgiving Leaf Garland looks like this and it is so pretty!

Okay, the garland is over the sliding glass door, with the lights..can you see them? They are so pretty and totally worth making.

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