
Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Is It Possible To Live Indefinetly With This Water Bottle?

Over the past couple of weeks, I have had the privilege to use this most excellent BPA Free and FDA approved, infusion water bottle, Live Indefinitely, Forever Fused.  When I was pregnant with my girls, I drank so  much water and I added lemon or lime juice to the bottle. As much as I love water, filtered water, it always tastes better with an orange, lemon, lime, strawberry or kiwi, flavor added o it.

For the last two years, I have used several of these water bottles. This one is by far, the best infused water bottle. It is larger that other ones I have used, at 32 oz, has a hand grip on one side of the bottle and a finger like grip, on the other side.

These bottles also come in more than one color and has a flip top and while walking, you can slip your finger into a finger like ring holder instead of securing the bottle under your arm.

This amazing water bottle also comes with a free recipe booklet in the box so you can decide how you want to make your own infused water drink to a morning, afternoon or evening refreshing drink. This water bottle is just great to have with you all day long.

Now, just in case you are driving, and you decide to leave this water bottle in the car, I suggest you place it under your seat so it will not be in the direct sunlight. The same thing I would suggest you do with any other plastic water bottle.

**Finally, this Live Indefinitely, Forever Fused water bottle was given to me to try out, in exchange for a review and to be shared on social media.**

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