
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Cheese, the best way to buy and use it, is if comes from the Organic Creamery®

Honestly, I can not imagine living without cheese. Cheese comes in so many different forms. Now, the best way to use cheese, in my opinion, is when it is organic. The last thing one wants is to be using cheese full of preservatives and other ingredient that are not recognizable. When looking for any type of cheese, American, Baby Swiss, Blue, Feta, Goat Cheese, Pepper Jack and even String, it is always best to buy organic. When buying cheese from the Organic Creamery® not only are you supporting this awesome company in their efforts to keep you and your family healthy, you are choosing to stay healthy, without adding unnecessary chemicals to your body.

The Organic Creamery®, on every page of their cheeses, on their website, show that their milk does, indeed, come from cows and the cheeses are made in Wisconsin. Ever since I have begun buying the Organic Creamery® cheeses, specifically the Feta, Blue and Goat Cheese, I have been adding it to my salads and I love it. Oh goodness, there is no way I can eat a salad now, without adding crumbled Feta and Blue cheese to every salad. Adding these cheeses makes eating my salads that much more desirable to eat...and I do not eat salads everyday.

Right now, I am eating some String Cheese and I love it. It is the perfect snack at home, in the car, or anywhere you may be because it fits in your purse or backpack. My twins love eating String cheese and they will eat some when they come home from school every now and then.

So, remember, it is always a good idea to have some
Organic Creamery® cheese on hand, that is, in your refrigerator, all the time, as cheese is good for making any type of meal.

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