Welcome to my blog, All Things Homemade. When I first started my blog, I mainly wrote about all things I made at home: flower hats, bracelets and candles. Now, for the most part, I write articles for other companies and love it. If ever you need me to write an article for you, contact me.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
There are Super Amazing Savings Right at Your Fingertips
If you like tea, coffee, appetizer's, chocolate or any restaurant, all you have to do is click on that food and drink company link you like, then one of their coupons and you will be taken to their website to place your order.
These days, it seems everyone has more electronics in their home. These electronics can now be purchased from more than twenty stores or companies. All you have to do is look at all the companies represented on this website alone. If you are a one stop shopper, and would prefer shopping at home, your choices have increased.
It is now worth your while to shop online for such electronics as mobile phones, camera's, batteries, gadgets and so much more. When it comes to anything electronic, there is no need to pay full price anymore. As it turns out, using coupons is something you can be proud of. Using coupons shows you are smart shopper when purchasing something anything from food to electronics these days.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Homemade "Merry Twinsmas" Christmas T-Shirt From Mommy
Two years ago, on this twins clothing website, I purchased the same T Shirt for my twins. This year, as I looked at the prices of the T Shirts, I decided to make them myself. At the same mass retailer I purchased the T Shirts, I also purchased the clear rhinestones for my twins T Shirts.
To make the rhinestone T Shirts, I just followed the directions on the back of the rhinestone package. Well, I did change something. Instead of turning my T's inside out, I placed a white handkerchief over the rhinestones. I have found this works just as well as turning my T's inside out. This way also prevents the rhinestones from falling off.
Here are photos of how I went about making these "Merry Twinsmas" T's for my twin girls.
1st Step: Cut letters needed for T shirt with Scissors.
2nd Step: Remove back of each letter and place
sticky letters where needed on T shirt.
3rd Step: Turn T shirt inside out; or place white
handkerchief over each word, rub iron over each word
for 10 seconds. Do not over heat letters as the letters
will ruin their stickiness.
4th Step: Once the letters are attached to the T shirt
turn T Shirt right side in. This is what the T Shirt
will look like. Now, touch each letter to see if each letter
is attached to the material.
5th Step: This is what the final product, or T Shirt
will look like.
These T shirts are fun to make, if you have time. They only take thirty minutes to an hour to complete, depending on how many you are making. Since I made two, it took me an hour to make.

Store Brand Baby Formula is Not What You Thought It to Be
This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of PBM Products. All opinions are 100% mine.
These days, it is important to save our money on everything, especially baby formula. Since not every Mom breastfeed's, or is able to, their baby or babies must drink baby formula. Now, as nice as it sounds to be seen purchasing a name brand baby formula, as it turns our, there is nothing wrong with store brand formula.
If you look at them, side by side, and compare their ingredients, you will see they use the exact same ingredients. As it turns out, each and every infant formula is strictly regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to ensure product quality and safety. By law, every infant formula in the market has to meet or exceed the standards set by the FDA. This means, there is not a single infant formula better than another one.
When feeding your baby formula in the first year, they will be ingesting protein, carbohydrates, fat, and appropriate vitamins and minerals. Since your baby will not be drinking breast milk, the Infant formula they drink has been patterned after breast milk. This means infants will be drinking added nutrients such as DHA and ARA to provide the energy necessary to maintain brain and eye support. Another very important ingredient in baby formula's are prebiotics. Prebiotics help support every baby's immune system.
So now is the best time to switch to generic formula, especially after finding out the only difference in the name brand and store brand formula's are their labels. The store brand formulas can be found at such stores as Walmart, Target, Sam's Club, CVS. Walgreens and Baby's "R" Us. These store brand infant formula's are available in 23.2 oz and 12.4 oz.
Finally, there has recently been a Similac recall. The company, Abbott Laboratories had to recall their Similac Infant Formula due to beetles and their larvae being found in the mixture. If having your baby drink beetle parts and or larvae does not sound good to you, it is time to switch over to a store brand formula.

Friday, December 3, 2010
Thanksgiving 2010 At My Home
I have 12 people in total over. Everyone got along and my twins had a great time, as always, with Uncle Mike who always plays the guitar with them.
Here are photos I took on Thanksgiving Day 2010. As you can see, everyone who came to my first Thanksgiving Feast had a great time talking, and of course, eating all the delicious side dishes brought over.

My Twins Setting Our New Dining Table
I loved it and took a photo, of the dining table photo, and sent it to my hubby. My hubby liked it to and now we have it. I love it because it is more square, than round, and we finally have a table the four of us can eat at, regularly.
Here are my twins setting the dining table and they love doing this too. Well, they love doing anything around the house.